Nate-Wilkins 2 min read
Nov 20, 2024
Wouldn't it be great to watch movies while lying down? I thought so.
Here's how I made my ceiling projector mount.

Wouldn't it be great to watch movies while lying down? I thought so.
Here's how I made my ceiling projector mount.
If you use Discord you'll know that you can customize your profile in a contained widget/box of sorts.
Wouldn't it also be cool if you could display similar customizations on your web application?
I made 2.5D Snake in react-three-fiber
I've made Snake at least 10 times on various hardware and different environments.
One of my first programs was Snake on a TI-83 Graphing Calculator.
I'll admit I like random software and this includes maze algorithims!
Mazes are fun to make and solve. Here is everything I know about mazes.
Here's my 3D printed maze using the prims-randomized
Let's make a better ReactJS Copy
Wouldn't it be nice if web applications told you when you copied something?
Here's an approach with ReactJS and CSS animations.
How many tabs do you have open?
Organizing the internet is a seemingly impossible task and being productive in all the noise can be difficult. While modern browsers and search engines make this easier I've found that some of these decisions have made it harder.
Here's a radical approach to radical productivity.
MallardScript is an extension
of the language called DuckyScript
that adds additional syntax like IMPORT
What's interesting about this project is that I initially started out writing this for myself to use on my Hak5 USB Rubber Ducky but soon discovered DuckyPad which also similarly uses DuckyScript.
Let me start from the beginning.
This is the first blog post here on CodeNull. A personal and Software Engineering blog. Here I'll be writing about Application Development, Operating Systems, Security, Package Management, Virtual Reality, Machine Learning, and even Game Development.