About Me

My name is

. Also known as
in the gaming community.

I'm a software engineering professional who is passionate about technology and it's impact on the end user. Experienced with comprehensive skills in the design, development, test, and maintenance of software systems.

A hard worker who loves to learn and provide technical leadership through guidance and real-world examples.

  • Specialties: TypeScript, Rust, and C#

  • Industries: Healthcare and Medical/Imaging IT

  • Interests: UI/UX, Operating Systems, Algorithims, and Security

  • Hobbies: Skiing, Snowboarding, and Gaming

If you need to get ahold of me you can find me on twitter as @_natewilkins or shoot me an email here on code-null.

My PGP public key can be found here.

Gravatar Profile nate-wilkins@code-null.com


My résumé is on GitLab.

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Last of Us 1 Badge
Last of Us 2 Badge
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Badge
Shadow of Mordor Badge
SOMA Badge
Civilization 6 Badge
Crysis Badge
Overwatch Badge
Factorio Badge
Portal Badge
Smite Badge
Super Monday Night Combat Badge
Awesomenauts Badge
Underale Badge
Borderlands Badge
Deep Rock Galactic Badge
Bioshock Badge
Hollow Knight Badge
Brawlhalla Badge
Left4Dead Badge
Enter the Gungeon Badge
Terraria Badge
Space Pirate Trainer Badge
Tower Fall Ascension Badge


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